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Effective VR policies and practices for transition youth: Lessons learned from the Maryland Seamless Transition Collaborative

Study Description

This mixed-methods study will evaluate the impacts of a standardized multisite, multiyear model transition intervention funded by the U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administration and implemented by the Maryland State Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) from 2007 through 2012. This study leverages federal funds that supported the design and implementation of a model transition intervention and expands its benefits to critical transition stakeholders. The model transition intervention, the Maryland Seamless Transition Collaborative (MSTC), was funded by RSA to design and evaluate a comprehensive transition intervention offered to approximately 450 youth ages 16 to 22 at 11 school districts, or county sites throughout the state.

Study Leads and Organizations

  • Ellen Fabian – University of Maryland College Park
  • Debra Neubert – University of Maryland College Park
  • Richard Luecking – TransCen, Inc.
  • Todd Honeycutt – Mathematica Policy Research