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Proposing design options for a rigorous impact evaluation of Project SEARCH

Study Description

In this study we present several design options for a rigorous impact evaluation of Project SEARCH. Project SEARCH is a high school to work transition program that has emerged as a promising program to address the challenges related to improving employment outcomes of youth with disabilities. Based on information we gathered from document reviews and from site visits conducted for this evaluability assessment, the study presents two leading evaluation designs. First, under the existing setting scenario, we propose a matched comparison group design. Second, under a demonstration scenario, we propose a randomized experimental evaluation. We also discuss a few other alternative design options, but they are less appealing than those recommended.

Study Leads and Organizations

  • Arif Mamun – Mathematica Policy Reseach
  • Lori Timmins – Mathematica Policy Research
  • David C. Stapleton – Mathematica Policy Research